Good Documentaries Plus: My Memorial Day Experience.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Memorial Day Experience.

I hope everyone had a nice extended Memorial Day Weekend. It has been a kind of a family tradition for me to watch PBS's national Memorial Day Concert. Traditionally held in Washington D.C. This years was very good , very moving. C0-Hosted by Joe Mantegna
and Gary Sinese. Using current and favorite tv actors re-created some of the real experiences that Americans have had to face when serving our country and how it has effected thier loved ones through the Wars but there is also very good music. After viewing this 1 hour show you do feel good about your country. You do feel up lifted. If your are interested check out PBS.Org the same producers also put on The Capital 4th for the 4th of July. I encourage you to check on the link below click on Day Concert

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