Good Documentaries Plus: I Just Saw This From ABC News

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Just Saw This From ABC News

Anybody who has heard the news by now about the actual plight of say our Louisiana's Gulf Oil Crisis,(more like BP's Gulf Oil Crisis)needs to seriously take a moment to see this latest video you won't mind them (ABC News Dpt.) hyping it up. This is when it is needed. In fact I would encourage Teachers to show this at the Jr.and Sr.High school levels.(As long as they do not demonize all the worlds corporations out there in their intro.) I am sure even Mr.James Carville(a Louisiana native)and Mary Matalon,(his wife and fmr. teacher) might help fund it. Be sure to see both videos of Sam Champion of Gd. Morng. America and Phillipe Cousteau jr.(yeah that Cousteau family) Scuba Diving and the J. Carville Video. at ABC click on video see sidebar.

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