Good Documentaries Plus: HBO's Real Time with Bill Mahr

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HBO's Real Time with Bill Mahr

I am not a big fan of Bill Mahr yet I do like the way HBO has accomodated him with this new version of his show, Real Time. A slight depature from the very first show that aired on that network. Yes I know I sound like a TV critic. Like many of us Middle class, Middleaged Americans if you don't have opinions about something by now that is pertainent than well... One of the highlights of his show is how he and his staff do try and succeed most of the time to really find the humor in topical events with the segment deliberatly called New Rules. As anyone knows by now that if you can't catch the first airing of the show then wait a while or if you can you know what to do, go online. He has even had John McCain's daughter on(sorry forgot her 1st name)as the what I call the extra sit beside guest and when she asked him somewhat nervously (her 1st time on the show) "Hey Bill how come you have never been on Fox News show?" and Bill quickly replied "I wish I could, I have been banned from ever being on the show, Roger Ailles(Fox News Producer) does'nt want me on there apparently I would be (says sarcastically)too disruptive." If you want my take he is Americas self appointed Devils Advocate I do believe he is sincere and sometimes actually funny. I do learn a few things on his show sometimes but naturally I do rely on much more credible sources which is the topic for another blog. P.S. I have not had the chance to see his latest movie Religiousness I think he produced it but I plan to. I also plan to see the other more serious movies like , The Last Temptation of Christ and of course Gibson's, The Passion Of The Christ (the Uncut Version) cost $30 million to make of you know whos money and guess what it made $300 million! I said that because I thought it would have a meaningful impact. yea thats right.

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