Good Documentaries Plus: Toll-apolis ,Maryland

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Toll-apolis ,Maryland

Two weekends ago my wife and I ( she needed to get away more than I did this time) decided at the suggestion of her sister (her hobby is traveling to and monitoring Triathlons along the east coast) with her husband and young son to drive down to Annapolis ,Md. the weather wasn't too bad a little rainy buy it is a town that is trying to revive itself. For me, it was the tour of our Naval Academy the exhibits were very well done and the campus is very attractive one afternoon we caught their band rehearsing in preparing for their football game against Ohio State . Off the immediate campus is their beautiful stadium my favorite was one of the actual Jets from the famous Blue Angels "parked" strategically along side their home side of the stadium. Another definite highlight was the tour boat ride styled like the old Steamboats of old that turned out to be the most enjoyable day on the Chesapeake. Most of the better restaurants aren't bad. if your planning on driving bring PLENTY of toll money because theres quite alot of road construction etc!

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