Good Documentaries Plus: Astronaut Mark Kelly

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Astronaut Mark Kelly

Well it looks like he is going to do it! Mark Kelly is going to Pilot Our Space Shuttle; Endeavour's last flight this Friday and wife Rep.Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. will be there at Kenedy Space Center in Fla. in person to witness the launch, her Dr's are so pleased with her progress that they have given her the go ahead. Just so you know piloting any space shuttle is no easy task there is little or no room for human error. Those who know Capt.Mark Kelly are confident of his ability which include former Astronauts as friends. If you are thinking like I am, lets hope the News Media shows a little restraint and respect when asking her any questions during this particularly personal event. I definiately wish both of them God's Speed.

1 comment:

TNATRL said...

In case those of you who were near a TV and got a little tired of The Royal Wedding coverage as nice and as special as it was might have wanted to see How Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kelly (aka Rep.Gabrielle Giffords) are both doing if you saw what little I got to see you know that the Space Shuttle Endeavour's last Voyage will have to be resceduled due to not bad weather but technical difficulties,difficulties specifically, " We will not fly this machine until it's ready, and today it was not ready to go," NASA Launch Director told journalists.

The shuttle's three auxiliary power units provide hydraulic pressure to operate the control system during atmospheric flight. Although the shuttle is operable with only one of the units working, NASA's launch rules state that all three have to be functional for a proper liftoff.

So it may be resceduled for this Monday, May 1st, 2011 lets permitting. Quote MSN'S Allen Boyle's article